Seperti judul artikel ini,kali ini saya hanya akan memberikan update aplikasi Photobook.Kali ini saya akan memposting untuk versi 2.00c.Kalian bisa mendapatkan aplikasi-nya dari link download di bawah ini.Setelah berhasil di download,silakan install di ponsel.Terserah kalian mau menginstall-nya di memori ponsel atau memori card.Setelah diinstall,kalian akan memperoleh dua icon Photobook di menu ponsel kalian.Sebuah icon asli dan satu icon trial resetter.Bagi yang sudah membaca artikel sebelumnya,pasti sudah tahu apa gunanya.Yup.Icon trial reseter berfungsi untuk mengembalikan masa trial aplikasi Photobook.Jadi,setelah icon asli tidak bisa dijalankan,jalankan saja icon trial reseter-nya.Maka aplikasi Photobook sudah bisa digunakan lagi.Kekurangan utama versi full ini adalah hanya bisa digunakan pada ponsel hacked.Untuk ponsel non hacked,sayang sekali,sampai artikel ini ditulis,saya belum memperoleh full versinya.
Berikut perubahan dari versi sebelumnya :
Features added in version 2.00c Beta:
New menu and soft keys mapping in Upload
Improved upload to Facebook.com
Fixed crash in Gallery
Added option to select preferred access point to connect to Internet
Language packs added (Czech, Spanish, Korean)
Statistical data of network usage
Virtual albums for better management of photos
Possibility to assign user notes to images (title, notes, categories, keywords...)
Possibility to remember the rotation of pictures in image viewer
Improved Quick mark mode on touch screen devices (larger thumbs)
Minor changes and fixes
Simple and Advanced search of images (look in menu > Tools)
Predictive text allowed when entering data to Notes (experimental)
Several fixes in Albums
Greek language added
This release has 2 icons. When the "PhotoBook" icon will be expired, then just click on the "Re-Trial" icon to reset the trial period.
New menu and soft keys mapping in Upload
Improved upload to Facebook.com
Fixed crash in Gallery
Added option to select preferred access point to connect to Internet
Language packs added (Czech, Spanish, Korean)
Statistical data of network usage
Virtual albums for better management of photos
Possibility to assign user notes to images (title, notes, categories, keywords...)
Possibility to remember the rotation of pictures in image viewer
Improved Quick mark mode on touch screen devices (larger thumbs)
Minor changes and fixes
Simple and Advanced search of images (look in menu > Tools)
Predictive text allowed when entering data to Notes (experimental)
Several fixes in Albums
Greek language added
This release has 2 icons. When the "PhotoBook" icon will be expired, then just click on the "Re-Trial" icon to reset the trial period.
LCG PhotoBook features:
Photo viewer for mobile phone, image viewer for cell phone
Software for symbian and windows mobile smartphones - pocket pc
Facebook pictures uploader, picasa uploader, photobucket uploader and flickr uploader
Easy create photo gallery
Many supported images format such as JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF, animated GIF
GPS tags opened in Google Maps Mobile or in mobile phone web browser
Touch optimized picture viewer
File management: delete file, rename file, create folder, copy file, move file
Add images to contact
Send image via: multimedia, bluetooth, infrared, post to web - Nokia Ovi (only on Symbian platform)
Shows thumbnails in the current folder
Show EXIF more details in list view mode
Fast directory view: moving through directory
Watch slideshow with time setup
Show content of ROM/RAM drives (only on Symbian platform)
Language support: Azerbaijan, Dutch, English, French, German, Chinese, Poland, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese, Arabic, Bulgarian, Finnish, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Persian, Ukrainian
Photo viewer for mobile phone, image viewer for cell phone
Software for symbian and windows mobile smartphones - pocket pc
Facebook pictures uploader, picasa uploader, photobucket uploader and flickr uploader
Easy create photo gallery
Many supported images format such as JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF, animated GIF
GPS tags opened in Google Maps Mobile or in mobile phone web browser
Touch optimized picture viewer
File management: delete file, rename file, create folder, copy file, move file
Add images to contact
Send image via: multimedia, bluetooth, infrared, post to web - Nokia Ovi (only on Symbian platform)
Shows thumbnails in the current folder
Show EXIF more details in list view mode
Fast directory view: moving through directory
Watch slideshow with time setup
Show content of ROM/RAM drives (only on Symbian platform)
Language support: Azerbaijan, Dutch, English, French, German, Chinese, Poland, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese, Arabic, Bulgarian, Finnish, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Persian, Ukrainian
Sudah ada bahasa Indonesia,lho..
Selamat mencoba!
NB : Aplikasi di atas sudah ditest oleh Admin dan berjalan dengan baik.Segala resiko penggunaan aplikasi di atas di luar tanggungjawab Admin.Harap dimaafkan jika ada pihak-pihak yang keberatan dengan postingan ini.Admin hanya ingin sekedar berbagi saja.Jika link download bermasalah,silakan request ke Admin.Secepatnya link akan diperbaiki.
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